Friday, March 28, 2008

Sweet 16 Friday

20 point games, huh???

I didn't expect Stanford to ever lose by 20, let alone Wisco losing by 20 to a 10 seed! Congrats to Steve Halstead for being the only guy to pick Davidson over the Badgers.

I'm fairly pissed I have to watch more Drew Neitzel instead of the Jayhawks. As much sh** as I talk during the Big 12 season about KU, I always love them come tournament time. Don't know what it is.

Its a tight race at the top and another big upset (KU loss, anyone?) could spell disaster for many of te top contenders. This is why we watch, huh?

9:47 - Halftime of the KU game and nearing half of the Memphis/MSU game. Quite boring. Every time the 'dog makes tries to close the lead, the better team makes its point and widens the lead further. I don't think we're looking at a KU loss like I mentioned an hour ago. Just a couple more 3 point games, continuing the lead of Bill, Tom, Stefan and Tim.

For what its worth, since opening Thursday, my mom (MamaJuice) has been tied with herself. It started down near 98th, but she's been movin' on up lately and is in 77th as of right now. Its comical to see how rankings pan out. We may have our first 2-time winner this year in Bill McNary and I may actually have the honor of getting last place overall. I'm in 103rd right now, out of 107 entries, but have Pitt winning. Sigh. Perhaps, I'll enjoy that case of beer I promised to the loser for myself.

10:56 - So, KU didn't happen in a big way. I'm tempted to call the Memphis/MSU game, but its down to 14 points now. Weirder things have happened. The rankings will be updated shortly, though there shouldn't be any surprises.

11:07 - Less than 2 minutes to go. I'm calling it. I love that Drew Neitzel got shut out and therefore MSU got spanked. As much as I love to see upsets, there are teams and players that I just can't stand. He ranks right up there. Looking at Bill's sheet, he has all the 1 seeds in the Final Four. Any other year, I would have laughed at him. Looks to be a wise decision at this point. Good night and good luck.

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